My journey
Photography has always been my passion. Even as a little kid I always had my camera around my neck and was taking photos of flowers and other pretty things I have found - costing a fortune to my parents with all the films and developing costs 🙈 But I have never thought about photography as something I could do for a living. It was just a hobby, something I loved. Then my little girl was born, and just like many other first time parents, I thought why would I spend hundreds of pounds on photos, when I have a good camera at home, I can do it myself! Boy, I was wrong!!!!!! Sure, I had a good camera and I (kind of) knew how to use it, but did I know anything about newborn photography? NOPE. I had no clue.

In my head it was easy. Babies just sleep, you just put them down and they curl up in those cute little poses... Hah, only if it was that easy! Soon I've figured out that it is actually something that I can NOT do by myself, or at least not without specific training and knowledge.
And yes, I should have spent those pounds to have some timeless memories of my little girl (and us all!) And this is when I had this new dream.

A dream of becoming a newborn photographer. A dream of one day having my own little studio filled with cute little props. A dream of doing something I actually LOVE. So I started learning. From scratch. On my own, at home, with a baby in my arm. I have watched videos, I have listened to audiobooks, I have joined photography groups and online mentoring programmes. When I felt confident enough, I have reached out to friends and offered some free sessions so I could practice in real life.
I had nothing apart from my camera. No lights, no real props. only what I could find at home or at my client's house.
Slowly I started to earn some money, so I could invest in better props and more training. The first three years were really challenging. We lived in a tiny flat so I had no other option than being mobile and traveling to my clients for each session.
I was also working part time in Costa and was only doing photography on a side. Then I had another baby, got married and soon after we moved to Wales. So basically I had to start building up my business f
rom scratch again. But guess what. I DID IT! For over a year I was working from my kitchen! I had to move furnitures and set up everything every single time I had a session. It still wasn't ideal, but it was much better than before.
Then came 2020. One of my clients had a room available above her beauty salon. My heart started racing. It felt like the perfect opportunity to make my dream come true. To have my own little studio I was dreaming about for years 💓 I was scared I have to admit, I was worried about the costs, the commitment, but I've decided to go for it. And it was the best decision I could have made! Even if I had to close my doors only three weeks after getting the keys, due to COVID-19, and now being shut again for the third time since March 2020.
It is amazing to see how far I have come in the last year! To not only getting that little space, but filling it up with all the gorgeous little props and accessories, stunning outfits and incredible backdrops. I could not have done it without YOU guys! So THANK YOU SO MUCH for each and every client who chose me to capture their timeless memories in the past years. Thank you so much for your support! Thank you for making my dream come true and helping my little business grow 💝